About The Bridle store

We are passionate about bridles and this is how this all came about.


Feedback from fitters and riders is that the common sizing of pony, cob and full etc just does not work. Like humans horses come in all different shapes and sizes and there is no such thing as one size of bridle fits one type of horse.

Bridle Size

It’s a bit like clothes shopping, you often find clothes no matter what their size don’t always fit in the places they should. Well it’s the same with horses! We want horses to be comfortable and happy in their bridles. You can have the best fitting saddle in the world but if you bridle doesn’t fit, your horses happiness and relaxation into his or her work can be compromised.

Bridle Fitting

Here at the Bridle Company we take bridle fitting seriously, we test every design with real riders and horses. We take care in sourcing our leather and the craftsmanship that goes into every piece. Our team are also all horse lovers/riders and we don’t sell anything we wouldn’t use on our own horses.


We welcome feedback, positive and constructive. In order to improve we have to learn. As a horse owner and rider we learn every day and The Bridle Company takes that on board and welcomes new scientific finding and what feedback our horses give us!